Harold Import Co 43127 HIC Milk Creamer Frother Cappuccino Coffee Foam Pitcher with Handle and Lid

Harold Import Co 43127 HIC Milk Creamer Frother Cappuccino Coffee Foam Pitcher with Handle and Lid
Price as low as £46.07, as high as £46.07
Updated: 2020-05-26T09:47:53.258
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I have now been take Harold Import Co 43127 HIC Milk Creamer Frother Cappuccino Coffee Foam Pitcher with Handle and Lid for days gone by almost 1 year. Harold Import Co 43127 HIC Milk Creamer Frother Cappuccino Coffee Foam Pitcher with Handle and Lid may be the best Kitchen in the world.

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Harold Import Co 43127 HIC Milk Creamer Frother Cappuccino Coffee Foam Pitcher with Handle and Lid Features

  • HIC’s Milk Frother creates a frothy rich foam for topping delectable hot or cold beverages in 60 seconds or less, without electricity or batteries
  • Made from stainless steel; lid had built-in double-mesh aerator and easy-grip handle; durable and versatile; 14-ounce capacity
  • Measure milk into pitcher, place plunger inside and secure the lid, pump handle up and down, about 30-60 seconds, until foam has desired consistency
  • Create frothed whole milk, skim, goat milk, hemp milk, almond milk, soy or cashew milk, and other non dairy milk
  • Easy to use; more economical than battery powered frothers and expensive espresso machines; top-rack dishwasher safe for easy clean-up

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BrandHarold Import Co
ManufacturerHarold Import Co.
BindingKitchen & Home
SizeUK 14 ounce capacity

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