Moulinex A65B17 Mixer Attachment

Moulinex A65B17 Mixer Attachment
Price as low as £13.86, as high as £27.00
Updated: 2020-05-26T09:45:53.790
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Moulinex A65B17 Mixer Attachment Features

  • Pied mixeur
  • Plastic mixer stand compatible with robot marie turbo. Dimension 290 x 120 x 70 mm. To mix robot marie turbo. Hello, Below are all compatible products: Com. Description of the reference DDG10110 HBL ROBOT MARIE 2GR BLANCHE HE, DDG141 ROBOT MARIE TURBO DDG141 DDG141 ROBOT MARIE TURBO DDG141, DDG142 HAND MIXER ROBOT MARIE TURBO (WHITE), DDG143 HAND MIXER ROBOT MARIE TURBO WHITE FR, DDG144SU HBL ROBOT MARIE BLANC / BLU FR, DDG15141 HBL ROBOT MARIE 2GR BLUE IN DDG18110 HBL ROBOT MARIE 3 IN 1 WHITE FR, DDG1C1 HDB ROBOT MARIE TURBO MINT GREEN

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ManufacturerSEB - Groupe (PEM) - Kitchen - FR
BindingKitchen & Home

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