Goscien Creamy Milk Foam Coffee Electric Battery Operated Milk Frother Whisk, Stainless Steel, Silver and Black
Price as low as £13.51, as high as £13.51
Updated: 2020-05-26T09:47:57.203
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You possibly can purchase any products and Goscien Creamy Milk Foam Coffee Electric Battery Operated Milk Frother Whisk, Stainless Steel, Silver and Black at the best price online with secure transaction. We are the single site that give Goscien Creamy Milk Foam Coffee Electric Battery Operated Milk Frother Whisk, Stainless Steel, Silver and Black with low price and purchaseer\'s honest reviews. Grab it quick before it\'s gone!
I have already been bought Goscien Creamy Milk Foam Coffee Electric Battery Operated Milk Frother Whisk, Stainless Steel, Silver and Black for yesteryear almost 1 year. Goscien Creamy Milk Foam Coffee Electric Battery Operated Milk Frother Whisk, Stainless Steel, Silver and Black could be the best Kitchen in the world.
Goscien Creamy Milk Foam Coffee Electric Battery Operated Milk Frother Whisk, Stainless Steel, Silver and Black Features
- UPGRADED DESIGN - With a double spring whisk head, more powerful and efficient to work. A nice coffee frother.
- HIGH QUALITY - The GOSCIEN Handheld Milk Frother Wand is made of high quality stainless steel. Foaming your milk only takes 10-15 seconds.
- EASY TO USE - One-touch batteries operation, powered by 3 AAA batteries (not included). simply press button on the top once, the milk frother will works efficiently and durably.
- EASY TO CLEAN - Detachable whisk head, simply place and rinse the rod under running water.
- MULTI FUNCTIONAL - Not only creates milk foam for coffees, cappuccinos, and macchiatos, but also suitable for making hot/cold chocolate, flavored milks, matcha teas, mixed drinks, and even can whisk food products such as egg yolks and sauces.
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Brand | GOSCIEN |
Manufacturer | Generic |
Binding | Kitchen & Home |
ProductGroup | Kitchen |
PartNumber | Stainless |
Model | Stainless |
Color | Silver |
Height | 1.181102361Inches |
Length | 9.448818888Inches |
Weight | 0.220462262Pounds |
Width | 1.181102361Inches |
Size | 24 x 3 x 3 cm |
NumberOfItems | 1 |
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