Kenwood MultiPro Home Food Processor, Blender with 2 Speed, Bowl 3 Litre, FDP643WH, White

Kenwood MultiPro Home Food Processor, Blender with 2 Speed, Bowl 3 Litre, FDP643WH, White
Price as low as £131.99, as high as £131.99
Updated: 2020-05-26T09:29:49.610
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I have already been take Kenwood MultiPro Home Food Processor, Blender with 2 Speed, Bowl 3 Litre, FDP643WH, White for the past almost 1 year. Kenwood MultiPro Home Food Processor, Blender with 2 Speed, Bowl 3 Litre, FDP643WH, White could be the best Kitchen in the world.

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Kenwood MultiPro Home Food Processor, Blender with 2 Speed, Bowl 3 Litre, FDP643WH, White Features

  • POWERFUL MOTOR: This home food processor comes with a powerful 1000 W motor for optimal performance even on tough jobs, to make meals the whole family will enjoy
  • LARGE CAPACITY: Plenty of space with a 3 Litre capacity for bread and pastry mixes, egg whites and light creams
  • OPTIMAL CONTROL: 2 Speed Levels and Pulse Function for all your favourite dishes and total control in the kitchen
  • ATTACHMENTS: There are a variety of attachments available to extend the appeal and broaden the product offer and
  • VERSATILITY AND RELIABILITY: The multi-mill chops and grinds herbs, spices and nuts, while the discs are ideal for grating cheese and slicing potatoes

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BindingKitchen & Home

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