Kenwood Blender/Food Processor Replacement Glass Goblet - BL540, FP920, Etc (681957)
Price as low as £37.89, as high as £37.89
Updated: 2020-05-26T09:28:35.761
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I have already been bought Kenwood Blender/Food Processor Replacement Glass Goblet - BL540, FP920, Etc (681957) for days gone by almost 1 year. Kenwood Blender/Food Processor Replacement Glass Goblet - BL540, FP920, Etc (681957) could be the best Kitchen in the world.
Kenwood Blender/Food Processor Replacement Glass Goblet - BL540, FP920, Etc (681957) Features
- Kenwood blender - Replacement glass goblet - 1.5 Litre
- For models: BL530, BL540, BL548, BL560, BL566, FP920 FP921, FP925, FP931, FP932, FP950
- Please note: This is for the goblet ONLY, as shown in the picture - does not include lid or base etc.
This Kenwood Blender/Food Processor Replacement Glass Goblet - BL540, FP920, Etc (681957) has built me and my family so very happy. I fond this Kenwood Blender/Food Processor Replacement Glass Goblet - BL540, FP920, Etc (681957) very much, it is good for me. And Kenwood Blender/Food Processor Replacement Glass Goblet - BL540, FP920, Etc (681957) would be perfect for someone like you, trust me! Should you are looking for a Kenwood Blender/Food Processor Replacement Glass Goblet - BL540, FP920, Etc (681957), so i high advise this Kenwood Blender/Food Processor Replacement Glass Goblet - BL540, FP920, Etc (681957) to you. Kenwood Blender/Food Processor Replacement Glass Goblet - BL540, FP920, Etc (681957) will put together you happy such a me. I obtained this Kenwood Blender/Food Processor Replacement Glass Goblet - BL540, FP920, Etc (681957) at a best price that possesses in UK.
Brand | Kenwood |
ProductGroup | Kitchen |
PartNumber | 2NF6419111 |
Color | Transparent |
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