Russell Hobbs 21140 3-Tier Food Steamer, 800 W, 9 Litre, White

Russell Hobbs 21140 3-Tier Food Steamer, 800 W, 9 Litre, White
Price as low as £23.94, as high as £44.98
Updated: 2020-05-26T09:39:56.588
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I have now been bought Russell Hobbs 21140 3-Tier Food Steamer, 800 W, 9 Litre, White for days gone by almost 1 year. Russell Hobbs 21140 3-Tier Food Steamer, 800 W, 9 Litre, White is the best Kitchen on the market.

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Russell Hobbs 21140 3-Tier Food Steamer, 800 W, 9 Litre, White Features

  • Ideal for steaming rice, vegetables, meat and fish the three tier steamer provides one of the healthiest ways to cook minimising the loss of nutrients and vitamins
  • With a powerful 800 W and turbo steam design, you can cook food on multiple levels all at once saving you time energy and money
  • Three separate basket layers provide a generous 9 Litre capacity ideal when entertaining guests or cooking for larger families
  • With two water inlets, one on each side you can easily refill your steamer, regardless of where it's sat on your kitchen worktop
  • Requiring no oil and giving off no smoke, steaming your food leaves very little mess to clean up after you have finished

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BrandRussell Hobbs
ManufacturerRussell Hobbs
BindingKitchen & Home
ModelBPSCA 21140 - SB05954
Size1 - Pack

These Russell Hobbs 21140 3-Tier Food Steamer, 800 W, 9 Litre, White way out perform every other brand including major brands and department store brands. The major selling points for me are hight quality with cheap price.

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