Kenwood BXX13995778 Chef XL KVL4100S Stand Mixer-Silver, Iron

Kenwood BXX13995778 Chef XL KVL4100S Stand Mixer-Silver, Iron

Kenwood BXX13995778 Chef XL KVL4100S Stand Mixer-Silver, Iron
Price as low as £409.98, as high as £409.99
Updated: 2020-05-26T09:44:44.061
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I have already been bought Kenwood BXX13995778 Chef XL KVL4100S Stand Mixer-Silver, Iron for yesteryear almost 1 year. Kenwood BXX13995778 Chef XL KVL4100S Stand Mixer-Silver, Iron is the best Kitchen on the market.

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Kenwood BXX13995778 Chef XL KVL4100S Stand Mixer-Silver, Iron Features

  • Durable, reliable, powerful stand mixer makes light work of mixing, kneading, folding & whisking
  • The intelligent control feature gradually increases speed, giving you total control & less mess
  • Planetary action ensures all ingredients are evenly incorporated into the mix
  • Variable speed settings give you complete control over whatever is in the bowl
  • Includes tools: K-beater, whisk and dough hook included. 5-year manufacturer's guarantee on motor
Kenwood BXX13995778 Chef XL KVL4100S Stand Mixer-Silver, Iron

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