First4Spares Carbon Motor Brushes for Kenwood A700/A701/A707 Series Food Blender Food Mixers
Price as low as £5.95, as high as £5.95
Updated: 2020-05-26T09:35:46.989
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It is possible to grab any products and First4Spares Carbon Motor Brushes for Kenwood A700/A701/A707 Series Food Blender Food Mixers at the best price online with secure transaction. We are the only portal that give First4Spares Carbon Motor Brushes for Kenwood A700/A701/A707 Series Food Blender Food Mixers with low price and purchaseer\'s honest reviews. Grab it quick before it\'s gone!
I have already been bought First4Spares Carbon Motor Brushes for Kenwood A700/A701/A707 Series Food Blender Food Mixers for days gone by almost 1 year. First4Spares Carbon Motor Brushes for Kenwood A700/A701/A707 Series Food Blender Food Mixers is the best Kitchen on the market.
First4Spares Carbon Motor Brushes for Kenwood A700/A701/A707 Series Food Blender Food Mixers Features
- First4Spares compatible Kenwood carbon motor brushes for Kenwood A700/A701/A707 series food blender food mixers
- Replacement carbon motor brushes with springs and base.
- Fits the following models -
- A700, A700A, A700B, A700D, A701, A707
- Please note this part is a non genuine compatible spare part and the manufacturers' names and part numbers have been used for reference purposes only
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Brand | First4spares |
Manufacturer | First4Spares |
Binding | Misc. |
ProductGroup | Kitchen |
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