Electric Protein Shaker Mixer Bottle Automatic Tornado Portable USB Rechargeable Mixing Cup Vortex Leakproof for Cocktails Coffees Tea Protein Stirring 600ML
Price as low as £14.49, as high as £16.99
Updated: 2020-05-26T09:30:58.102
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I have already been bought Electric Protein Shaker Mixer Bottle Automatic Tornado Portable USB Rechargeable Mixing Cup Vortex Leakproof for Cocktails Coffees Tea Protein Stirring 600ML for yesteryear almost 1 year. Electric Protein Shaker Mixer Bottle Automatic Tornado Portable USB Rechargeable Mixing Cup Vortex Leakproof for Cocktails Coffees Tea Protein Stirring 600ML is the best Kitchen in the world.
Electric Protein Shaker Mixer Bottle Automatic Tornado Portable USB Rechargeable Mixing Cup Vortex Leakproof for Cocktails Coffees Tea Protein Stirring 600ML Features
- 600ml capacity with leak-proof lid.Special spill-proof design make you enjoy your drink
- Made of Durable Stainless Steel and Acrylic.Easy to clean,simply add warm water and a drop of detergent and activate the vortex for a few seconds
- Electric Quick Mixing Cup,no need to shake it by yourself, advanced vortex mixing technology,quickly mixes up drinks no clumping. Only 20 seconds, you can enjoy a glass of mixed milkshake or coffee.
- Perfect for mixing juices, cocktails, coffees, teas, protein shakes, instant soups, eggs, baby formula
- USB charging design, hand-held cup creates a powerful whirling vortex to create perfectly mixed milks in seconds
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Brand | Judy1980 |
Manufacturer | Judy1980 |
ProductGroup | Kitchen |
Color | Usb 600ml |
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