Colour Shaper Firm Grey Tip Painting Set - Wallet of 5 (Size 0)

Colour Shaper Firm Grey Tip Painting Set - Wallet of 5 (Size 0)
Price as low as £15.25, as high as £31.37
Updated: 2020-05-26T09:38:28.985
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I have been bought Colour Shaper Firm Grey Tip Painting Set - Wallet of 5 (Size 0) for days gone by almost 1 year. Colour Shaper Firm Grey Tip Painting Set - Wallet of 5 (Size 0) may be the best Office Product in the world.

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Colour Shaper Firm Grey Tip Painting Set - Wallet of 5 (Size 0) Features

  • Unique silicone tipped tool
  • Ideal for painting, applying masking fluid, pastel blending, graffiti and removing paint
  • Revolutionary silicone tips: available in 3 types of firmness, 5 sizes and 5 tip shapes
  • Colour Shaper's silicone tip gives you a unique combination of control, precision and fluidity
  • Create exciting textures, marks and effects
  • Perfect complement to your brushes and palette knives
  • No more ruined brushes - Colour Shaper's silicone tip does not absorb paint or glue
  • Simply peel paint and glue right off the tip!

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BrandColour Shaper
ManufacturerWest Design Products Ltd
BindingKitchen & Home
ProductGroupOffice Product

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